Dementia risk reduction: Applying the evidence to optimise your patients' brain health - On-demand webinar

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This education is accredited: RACGP 2 CPD, ACRRM 1.5 CME PD.

While dementia is one of the leading causes of death in Australia,1 patients often receive little attention until its symptoms begin to affect their quality of life. However, as general practitioners, it is necessary that we can efficiently identify and address modifiable risk factors in order to educate patients on self-management strategies that can improve long-term outcomes.

In this webinar, Dr Hilton Koppe, Dr Marita Long and Prof Kaarin Anstey explore the latest evidence to assess dementia risk, and apply the latest clinical guidelines to help prevent or delay the onset of dementia in your patients. Through a case-based approach, the speakers discuss how the MBS-supported 45-49 year health assessment can be utilised as a timely and effective opportunity for conducting a brain health check.

Learning outcomes:

By completing this learning activity, participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate 12 modifiable risk factors for dementia.
  • Apply evidence based risk reduction guidelines to clinical practice.
  • Plan to incorporate a brain health check in practice utlilising the 45-49 year health assessment.
  • Utilise evidence based risk reduction resources.



Dr Hilton Koppe

Dr Hilton Koppe is a general practitioner from Lennox Head. Hilton has had an active role in medical education for the past 30 years. Since 2016, Hilton has been working with the GP Education Team at Dementia Training Australia to develop and deliver innovative education programs to assist with the recognition, diagnosis and management of dementia in the general practice setting.

Dr Marita Long

Dr Marita Long is a Victorian based GP who works in both clinical practice and medical education. She has been part of the GP education group for Dementia Training Australia for 10 years now and really enjoys being able to deliver evidence based education to support GPs to increase their knowledge and confidence to care for people living with dementia.

Prof Kaarin Anstey

Professor Kaarin Anstey is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Director of the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute, and a Senior Principal Research Scientist at Neuroscience Research Australia. Anstey is also Chair of the International Research Network on Dementia Prevention. Anstey’s research programs focus on the causes, consequences and prevention of cognitive ageing, dementia, and common mental disorders in adulthood. Anstey led development of the ANU-ADRI risk score for Alzheimer’s disease and is an investigator on several multi-domain dementia risk reduction trials. Kaarin has worked with the WHO in the area of dementia, and is a member of the Governance Committee of the Global Council on Brain Health.

This activity is sponsored by Dementia Training Australia.

1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Dementia in Australia.

Dementia risk reduction: Applying the evidence to optimise your patients' brain health - Education
Dementia risk reduction: Applying the evidence to optimise your patients' brain health - Evaluation