Management updates in T2D: What's new?

CPD hours: Educational activities: 
CPD hours: Measuring outcomes: 
CPD hours: Reviewing performance: 

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This education is accredited: RACGP 1 CPD, ACRRM 1 CME PD.

NOTE: This education module can be completed as a 1-hour activity, accessed from this page.

Alternatively, you can complete this topic as part of a larger advanced course, called "Updates in the management of type 2 diabetes in primary care: On the threshold of a new era Advanced Course". Click here to access the advanced course.

The advanced course is worth 6.5 CPD hours (3 Educational Activity, 3.5 Reviewing Performance).


With the advent of updated clinical guidelines and new glucose-lowering therapies, type 2 diabetes (T2D) management in primary care has seen significant updates in recent years. This module outlines the latest evidence guiding T2D management, and offers practical advice for ensuing optimal patient outcomes in your practice.

On completion of this education activity participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its impact on various comorbidities and systems.
  • Apply updated T2D guidelines in order to provide a holistic, person-centred approach to T2D management.
  • Explain to patients why good glycaemic control leads to long term patient benefits.
  • Understand the new definition of MAFLD and how this relates to patients with T2D.

This activity is sponsored by Eli Lilly.

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Management updates in T2D: What’s new? - Education
Management updates in T2D: What’s new? - Evaluation