
On-demand webinar: RSV in older adults: understanding risk and preventative measures

This on-demand webinar, presented by A/Prof Michael Woodward, Prof Grant Waterer and Dr Victoria Hayes will equip GPs to understand the prevalence, seasonal patterns, and demographic impacts of RSV in Australia. It also outlines preventative measures in older age groups, including safety and efficacy features of the new RSV vaccine for adults.

On-demand webinar: COPD and cardiovascular risk: The deadly duo

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly symptomatic condition with physical and emotional impacts that greatly reduce quality of life and increase mortality risk.1 Cardiovascular events are common in people with COPD, and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the weeks following an acute COPD exacerbation.2,3

On-demand webinar - Applying a multi-disciplinary approach to post diagnostic dementia care

Dementia care, post-diagnosis, spans a myriad of domains including medical, psychological, social, and functional. Embracing a multi-disciplinary approach is paramount for delivering holistic care. This on-demand webinar delves into collaborative multi-disciplinary strategies that can ensure a comprehensive assessment and tailored management plan, to meet the distinct goals and needs of people with dementia and their caregivers.

On-demand webinar - The opioid dependence treatment landscape is changing: What every GP needs to know

In this on-demand webinar we explore the new era in opioid dependence treatment and unpack the implications of these transformative changes, highlighting how they democratise access to treatments, including long-acting injectable buprenorphine (LAIB). While LAIBs play a critical role, they are part of a broader treatment landscape.

On-demand webinar - Herpes zoster in older people: Opportunities for prevention

In this on-demand webinar, Dr Anita Sharma discusses the risk of shingles (herpes zoster) and its complications in individuals aged 50 years and over, with a focus on how that risk is influenced by advancing age and common chronic conditions. Current Australian recommendations for shingles vaccination will be discussed, alongside a review of the shingles vaccines available in Australia.1 GPs will be invited to consider how they might improve shingles vaccine uptake among patients 50 years and older in their practice.

On-demand webinar: Take to heart - The absolute risk reduction approach to preventing ASCVD

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is largely preventable with a number of modifiable clinical factors accounting for the majority of risk. The absolute risk approach is potentially more than twice as effective at reducing death from coronary heart disease as the individual risk factor approach. In this on-demand module, A/Prof Ralph Audehm outlines how you can implement the absolute risk approach in your practice, including use of Heart Health Checks.