IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course

CPD hours: Educational activities: 
CPD hours: Measuring outcomes: 
CPD hours: Reviewing performance: 

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This education is accredited: RACGP 4.5 CPD, ACRRM 4.5 CME PD.

This highly practical advanced course will help you to understand the science of obesity and overcome barriers to effective obesity management in your practice.

This course begins with an on-demand webinar presented by A/Prof Gary Kilov AM and Dr Kevin Lee, which will review the latest recommendations for the management of obesity and will provide you with clear, practical steps to implement with your patients.

Following this, you will undertake a practical exercise where you conduct a consultation with one patient using a consultation checklist, and select the optimal management strategies for this patient.

On completion of this education activity participants will be able to:
  • Proactively conduct weight management consultations to patients with obesity in your practice
  • Implement appropriate weight management options based on the patient’s needs, in a multidisciplinary setting
  • Rationalise the use of anti-obesity medications (AOMs) including injectable therapy, in obesity management
  • Communicate with patients effectively about the science of obesity and support them as part of a long-term management approach
This activity is sponsored by Novo Nordisk.
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IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Predisposing activity
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - On-demand webinar
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Practical exercise: Step 1
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Practical exercise: Step 2
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Practical exercise: Step 3
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Practical exercise: Step 4
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Reinforcing activity
IN ACTION: Identify aNd ACT In Obesity Now advanced course - Evaluation