Management of patients with advanced liver disease: The role of the general practitioner

CPD hours: Educational activities: 
CPD hours: Measuring outcomes: 
CPD hours: Reviewing performance: 

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This education is accredited: RACGP 2 CPD, ACRRM 2 CME PD.

NOTE: This education module can be completed as a 2-hour activity, accessed from this page.

Alternatively, you can complete this topic as part of a larger advanced course, called "The rising health threat of liver disease: What GPs can do to prevent premature mortality". Click here to access the advanced course.

The advanced course is worth 7 CPD hours (5 Educational Activity, 2 Reviewing Performance).


Early identification of progressive liver fibrosis and early treatment of liver diseases are essential to prevent premature mortality. This course will show GPs how to identify cirrhosis, how to prevent and manage the complications of cirrhosis, and the important role they play in the integrated care of the patient with cirrhosis.

On completion of this education activity participants will be able to:
  • Outline the features of decompensated cirrhosis
  • Prevent and manage the complications of cirrhosis
  • Understand the role of the GPs in the integrated care of the patient with cirrhosis

This activity is part of the education that won the Excellence in Education category at the 2023 Australian life sciences industry PRIME awards for ThinkGP and the Liver Foundation.

This independent medical activity is sponsored by the Liver Foundation, supported by an unrestricted education grant from Novo Nordisk.

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Management of patients with advanced liver disease - Education
Management of patients with advanced liver disease - Evaluation